Lifting weights to lower blood sugar levels
Blood sugar levels should be 3.3-5.0 mmol/L. High blood sugar levels more than 16.7mmol can lead to excess thirst, excess urination, and weight loss which can lead to serious complications for the liver, heart, and brain – common to have amputated limbs due to high blood sugar levels.
The best way to lower blood sugar levels for type 2 diabetes is lifestyle; 150 mins/week of moderate exercise + Canada food guide plate method (half of the plate vegetables, ¼ protein, ¼ carbs) eating every 4-6 hours with the plate model. Type 1 diabetes require medications to produce insulin and regulate blood sugar levels.
Resistance training increases insulin sensitivity in the cells. Imagine insulin is a key and every cell has a lock (receptors). Lifting weights increases the lock size so that insulin key can be used to draw the blood sugar from the blood into the cells = lowering blood sugar levels when you poke your finger or check the glucose monitor on your phone.
The best way to lower blood sugars would be the combo of 150 mins/week of moderate exercise + Canada food guide plate method + Resistance training.
Lifting weights aka Resistance training such as lifting dumbbells, using weight machines, elastic/rubber bands and body weight exercises. All are ways to build muscle tone – for cardiac patients, metabolic conditions and those in remission; Muscular Endurance is recommended 10-15 repetitions 2-3 sets, twice a week on non-consecutive days.
Ideally resistance exercises : 3-6 exercises should include
- Push: push up, front/side shoulder raises, shoulder press
- Pull: one arm row, resistance band row, tearing band apart T-row
- Squat: goblet, body weight, sit to stand
- Bend: deadlift, single leg balance exercises, airplanes
- Carry: farmers carry, dumbbell exercises